ASFPM Foundation Projects
The ASFPM Foundation Projects Committee is dedicated to supporting initiatives that align with the Foundation's mission of fostering flood risk reduction and resilient communities. The committee identifies and funds projects that contribute to this goal, working in collaboration with ASFPM, its chapters, and members.
The Projects Committee plays a crucial role in advancing the Foundation's mission by:
- Identifying and evaluating potential projects that align with the Foundation's goals
- Allocating funding to selected projects based on their potential impact and feasibility
- Monitoring the progress of funded projects and providing guidance and support as needed
- Promoting the outcomes and achievements of funded projects to raise awareness and encourage further collaboration
By supporting projects that address critical flood risk management issues and promote community resilience, the ASFPM Foundation Projects Committee contributes to the Foundation's efforts to create a safer and more sustainable future for all.
The deadline for project submissions is April 4, 2025. Please review the solicitation and submit your project using the provided form.
Research and Projects Supported by ASFPM Foundation
- No Adverse Impact initiative to promote common sense strategies for floodplain management and mitigation
- FloodManager interactive floodplain management computer game
- Nick Winter College Scholarship Fund
- "National Flood Programs in Review” report, an analysis of and recommendations for national flood policy
- Technical floodplain management training videos and publications
- Initial research leading to establishment of the national Certified Floodplain Manager program
ASFPM Foundation Overview PowerPoint [6 MB]
Learn more about the foundation accomplishments in this video.
"FloodManager,” an interactive serious content computer game
In an effort to bring decisions regarding floodplains and their management to the visual forefront with decision makers, the ASFPM Foundation entered into contract with PlayGen, Ltd., a leading developer of serious games, simulations and game-based technology products. PlayGen is located in London, England, with representatives in Pennsylvania. The product from PlayGen is an interactive serious content computer game known as "FloodManager.” FloodManager was conceived as a simulator to teach decision makers the primary floodplain management principles they can apply to their community to increase resilience against flooding disasters and develop their community in a manner that most benefits the community while adhering to the tenets of "No Adverse Impact" regarding the community’s environment.
FloodManager is a serious computer game designed to help local decision makers understand how flooding can affect your county and how to minimize the damage it can cause. The game places the player in the very situation most community leaders face – dealing with past development decisions that were implemented before their time, often before any floodplain regulations existed. Careful planning and intelligent use of an available budget will help you mitigate against the inevitable encroaching flood as the available real estate necessary to expand your settlement becomes scarce. The goal of the game is to make decisions that grow a typical town as much as possible over a given time span – residences and businesses – producing a larger community with minimal flood damages. A short game could be 20 years, and a long game could be 40.
FloodManager PowerPoint Presentation [6 MB]
The No Adverse Impact Initiative
The ASFPM Foundation, in support of the mission and goals of the Association of State Floodplain Managers, is focusing its resources on enhancing the work directed toward the No Adverse Impact initiative. The foundation seeks to accomplish this through funding or seeking funding for projects that will meet the identified goals of the NAI initiative directly or indirectly.
The No Adverse Impact initiative is working to meet its goals through achieving the following:
- Inform target audiences about the NAI initiative and its implications
- Develop and disseminate tools for local communities to implement the NAI program
- Develop and promote appropriate incentives and cost sharing approaches that encourage state and local adoption of NAI approaches
- Effect appropriate change in federal policy and programs to implement NAI techniques by working with agencies, Congress, the Administration and our partners
- Assist in effecting changes to local and state laws/policies/programs to implement NAI techniques
- Continually refining the NAI initiative, responding to feedback from all associations members, interest groups and policy experts
The ASFPM Foundation has undertaken several potential projects that either directly or indirectly support NAI. They are:
- Developing a community Toolkit, which would contain components of an NAI approach to local management of floodplains. Such components include:
- Produce a case study report on NAI approaches--essentially a compilation of state and local floodplain management programs, methods and approaches that have proven to be effective NAI techniques.
- Produce model ordinances that communities could utilize to implement NAI approaches in their areas.
- Produce a four-fold paper (newspaper format) for local officials and planners that would focus on issues such as "Are you ignoring your potential liability?” by not following NAI approaches to floodplain management.
- Produce materials explaining and showing with graphics examples of the concept of NAI.
- Develop a Mitigation Planning Handbook, focusing on current methods and programs employed to achieve mitigation. This would be a handbook formatted for periodic updating—and web based.
- Development of a Floodplain Management Practices Handbook that would be a comprehensive guide to the science and practice of floodplain management on a nationwide basis.
- Develop technical floodplain management training programs aimed at helping to keep floodplain managers up-to-date with current programs, the science of floodplain management and current technologies that help communities reduce adverse flooding impacts.
If you think your company could assist with one or more of the projects identified above, or any other project that would either support the NAI Initiative or other goals of the association or floodplain management in general, please contact our office at (608) 828-3000.