Thanks to our sustaining supporters.

Support Flood Loss Reduction

All of the work that the Foundation does is funded solely by the generosity of our donors. Through your help, we can bring the promise of stability to thousands of communities that now live in fear of flooding.

The opportunity to provide protection for our citizens and businesses has never been greater. We must begin to make use of our floodplains in ways that are not only ecologically correct, but acceptable to our society as a whole. Wise floodplain management provides the means to address our flooding problems as well as providing sustainable development for future generations. The future of flood-prone communities depends on your help...a future that can be filled with hope, promise and sustained productivity.

If you would like more information, please contact ASFPM Foundation Donor Coordinator George Riedel.

Foundation Donors

The ASFPM Foundation would like to sincerely thank the following individuals and organizations for their donations in past years. Through their support and yours, the foundation will continue toward its goals.

ASFPM Foundation Donations

ASFPM Foundation Donations Recognition Level

1995 - March 2021 (Donor Recognition Level)

ASFPM Foundation Memorial/In Honor Donations

1995-March 2018

Forum Donors

The ASFPM Foundation would like to sincerely thank the following individuals and organizations for their donations to the 2015 Forum  "Climate-informed Science and Flood Risk Management: Opportunities and Challenges."

  • Atkins Global
  • Booz Allen Hamilton
  • CDM Smith
  • Dewberry
  • ESP Associates
  • H2O Partners, Inc.
  • Ideation, Inc.
  • Michael Baker International


Thanks to our 2015 Forum Sponsors!

From left: Matt Koch, AECOM; Grant Smith, Dewberry; Neal Gruber , Black and Veatch; David Key, ESP Associates; Firas Makarem, CDM Smith; David Greenwood, Michael Baker; JoAnn Howard, H20 Partners; Vince DiCamillo, Stantec; Bel Marquez, URS Corporation.

Thanks to the 2010 Forum Sponsors!

Pictured left to right: Scott Edelman, past ASFPM Foundation President; David Greenwood, Michael Baker Corp.; Jen Marcy, PBS&J; Vince DiCamillo, Greenhorne & O'Mara; Mark Dunning, CDM; JoAnn Howard, H2O Partners; Ann Terranova, URS; Matt Koch, AECOM; Grant Smith, Dewberry. Not pictured: David Key, ESP Associates, PA; Don Armour, Stantec Consulting, Inc.

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