Thanks to our sustaining supporters.

Giving Leader Recognition Awards

The ASFPM Foundation thanks all who have generously donated to help us continue to be successful. We give a special recognition award to those who have been committed to the foundation by giving regularly. These awards are based on the cumulative sum of historical donations. The presentation of plaques and certificates are made each year at the ASFPM annual conference. The foundation encourages everyone to be a part of these great achievements and asks that you individually congratulate the award recipients as well.

Giving Leaders (as of 3/31/2023)




Atkins North America, Inc.  


Michael Baker International  Stantec Consulting Inc.  

The Widgeon Foundation  



CDM Smith 

ESP Associates 

HDR Engineering  

H2O Partners Inc. 

Moffatt and Nichol 



Booz Allen Hamilton 

Larson, Larry & Jennie 

Miller, Matthew B. 

Mills, Deborah 

Wetmore, Mary Lu &French 

Willis Tower Watson  



Anderson Consulting Engineers Black & Veatch 

Bruno, Joseph 

Compton Foundation  

Edelman, Scott 

Halff Associates 

Harney Peak 

Ideation, Inc. 

Jacob & Terese Hershey Foundation  Jacobs 

Molly O’Toole & Associates  


Olinger, Larry & Adrienne  

Pavlides, Mike & Marie 

Plasencia, Doug & Beth 

RCQuinn Consulting, Inc. 

Riedel, George & Pam 

Smart Vent, Inc.  

Smith, Grant M. 

Tetra Tech 

W.A. Wilson Consulting Services LLC Wood Environmental & Infrastructure  




Bender, Bruce 

Berginnis, Chad  

Berry A. Williams & Associates Brown, Diane & Mike Klitzke 

DiCamillo, Vincent  

Enginuity Engineering Solutions FloodMaster Barriers, Inc. 

Forest, Mark 

Fowler, Dave 


Howard, JoAnn  



Jones, Christopher P. 

Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. Lehman, Dale 


Outreach Process Partners 

Reznick Group, PC 

Sauvageot, Alisa  

Sheaffer, Jack 

Sparrow, Jeff 

Thomas, Edward A. 

Turner, Terri 

White, Gilbert F. 




Alley, Dallas 

Anderson, Michael 

Andrews, Allison 

Armstrong, Michael  


Beik, Siavash 

Bowker, Peggy

Brown, A.J.  

CADDScan Engineering, Inc.  

Carlton, Dave  

Casebier, Markie  

Caufield, Brian 

CC Consults  

Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd.  Clark, Aaron C.  

Coggins, Tara  

Compass TTS Joint Venture 

Conrad, David & Diverstein, Paula Croft, Rebecca  

Dixon, Dennis 

DeGroot, William 

Flood Control America 

Fry, William 

Galloway, Gerald E. 

Gildersleeve, Penn  

Gray, Dale 

Greenwood, David J.  

Griffith, Beverly  

Henneger, Rick 

Herbert F. Philipsborn Jr. Fund 

Howard, Eric 

HR Wallingford 

Inderfurth, Meredith  

Institute for Business & Home Safety  Juza, Bohumil 

Kempf, Brian  

Koch, Matthew  

L.A. Bond Associates 

Lindsey, Roger  

Louthain, Jerry & Donna  

Lulloff, Alan & Kate  

Markarem, Firas  

Marquez, Maribel 

Martin, Lisa 

Maurstad, David  

McConkey, Sally 

McCormick, Timothy  

McHugh, Karen  

McMaster, Steve & Andrea  

McShane, John H.  

Mead & Hunt 

Medlock, Samantha R.  

Meyer, Will 

Miller, John A.  

National Lenders Insurance Council  Nechamen, William (Bill) 


OST, Inc.  

Outlaw, Gary 

Pogue, Pamela 

Price, Joshua 

Raja, Gopal 

Richardson, Peter  

Riebau, Mark & Kaye  

Riley, Kyle 

Roper-Graham, Janice 

Ruefer, Jeannie  

Samuelson, Steve 

Schwalls, Delton 

Schweltzer, Thomas 

Sharrard, Lisa (Carolina Flood Solutions) Shelton, Tonda 

Sherwood, Dan & Luci 

Shodeen, Inc.  

Sid W. Richardson Foundation  Silva, William 

Skipwith, Walter 

Smith, Velma 

Sparks, Jerry 

Spicer Group, Inc. 

Stewart, David W. 

Stone, Scott 

Strauss, Ceil 

Swick, Valerie  

Taylor Engineering  

Taylor, Rhonda  

Terranova, Ann 

The Council Oak  

Thigpen, Janet 

Thomas, Frank H.  

Titan Corp.  

Torrent Technologies 

Transamerica Flood Hazard Cert.  Villalobos-Pogue, Veronica 

Wadsworth, Ingrid 

Walter P. Moore 

Waters, Thomas W. 

Yu, Liyang 



IAFSM (Illinois)

GOLD ($10,000-$24,999) 

AzFMA (Arizona) 

MSFA (Michigan) 

New England Floodplain & Stormwater Managers  NCAFM (North Carolina) 

OFMA (Oklahoma) 

TxFMA (Texas) 



AMFM (Montana) 

AAFPM (Alabama) 

CASFM (Colorado) 

GAFM (Georgia)  

INAFSM (Indiana) 

SCAHM (South Carolina) 




AFMA (Arkansas) 

AFMM (Mississippi) 

FFMA (Florida) 

FMA (California, Nevada & Hawaii) 


KAMM (Kentucky) 

MAFSM (Maryland) 

MnAFPM (Minnesota) 

MfSMA (Missouri) 

NeFSMA (Nebraska) 

NORFMA (Northwest Region) 

NJAFM-(New Jersey) 

RIFMA (Rhode Island) 

OFMA (Ohio) 

TnAFPM (Tennessee) 


WAFSCM (Wisconsin) 

WVFMA-(West Virginia)

 Click here for 2023 ASFPM Foundation Giving Leaders PDF

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