Chapter Leaders
The ASFPM Foundation thanks all of the ASFPM chapters for their generous donations. We really could not accomplish all of the great work without their continued support. The ASFPM Foundation challenges all ASFPM chapters to make an annual donation.
The support of the chapters has enhanced our ability to undertake more activities that ensure the nation�s floodplain lands are wisely and safely managed. As you may know, our current project priorities include:
- Sponsoring national policy forums to determine actions, research and education which can promote flood loss reduction and wise floodplain uses in the nation;
- Establishing and maintaining public access to floodplain management services and information worldwide through all practical forms of media, including the Internet;
- Promoting projects that contribute to sustainable mitigation efforts at the community level; and,
- Preparing case studies on communities implementing floodplain management practices that exceed federal and state standards.
Chapter Donation Leaders (1995 through March 2023)
Titanium ($25,000-$49,999)
Illinois Association for Floodplain & Stormwater Management
Monica Cardin, chair of OFMA, presented a check to ASFPM Foundation for the Future Leaders Scholarship |
Gold ($10,000-$24,999)
Arizona Floodplain Management AssociationMichigan Stormwater Floodplain Association
New England Floodplain & Stormwater Managers
North Carolina Association of Floodplain Managers
Oklahoma Floodplain Managers Association
Texas Floodplain Management Association
Silver ($5,000-$9,999)
Alabama Association of Floodplain ManagersAssociation of Montana Floodplain Managers
Colorado Association of Stormwater & Floodplain Managers
Georgia Association of Floodplain Management
Indiana Association for Floodplain & Stormwater Managemen
South Carolina Association for Hazard Mitigation
Virginia Floodplain Management Association
Bronze ($500-$4,999)
Arkansas Floodplain Management AssociationAssociation of Floodplain Managers of Mississippi
Florida Floodplain Managers Association
Iowa Floodplain & Stormwater Managers Association
Kentucky Association of Mitigation Managers
Maryland Association of Floodplain & Stormwater Managers
Minnesota Association of Floodplain Management
Missouri Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association
Nebraska Floodplain & Stormwater Management Association
New Jersey Association for Floodplain Management
New Mexico Floodplain Managers Association
Northwest Regional Floodplain Management Association
Ohio Floodplain Management Association
Rhode Island Flood Mitigation Association
Tennessee Association of Floodplain Managers
Utah Floodplain and Stormwater Management Association
West Virginia Floodplain Management Association
Wisconsin Association for Floodplain, Stormwater & Coastal Management
Foundation Presentations
Interested in having Donor Recognition Coordinator George Riedel or a foundation trustee stop by an annual chapter conference to explain what the foundation is all about, and what the foundation could do to assist chapters and its members to better manage flood risk? Contact George Riedel